As patients, we know it’s important to have access to the very best information and practical support.
When you join our community of patients, carers, and their families, you are able to talk with others who truly understand how you feel.
Kidney cancer is a devastating disease, and within our caring and supportive community you can share experiences and find information, comfort and friendship. It can make such a difference to know you do not have to face kidney cancer on your own.
It is particularly important to us that when you join our community forum on Facebook, you know you are amongst friends who truly understand how you feel.
Our community forum is managed by patients, carers and family members who understand the emotional and physical effects of kidney cancer. Every member of our community has had their life touched by kidney cancer and knows the worry and fear that a diagnosis brings with it.
We restrict membership to kidney cancer patients, carers and immediate family members who live in the UK. Being able to discuss emotional issues amongst other people who feel the same way is a tremendous relief. It is a safe and secure place where you can talk in complete confidence to other group members, or to our admin team. Nobody else can see or read your posts.
We believe passionately that by sharing our experiences and offering mutual support to each other, we can help to make this awful disease a little more bearable.
We are a welcoming and supportive community of over 1400 patients and carers.
As the largest and most active community of kidney cancer patients, carers and family members in the UK, we hold a massive amount of real world information about living with kidney cancer that hundreds of patients and carers have shared with us over many years. These patient-generated resources are so valuable because we know that patients are experts at living with kidney cancer.
Our help sheets are not edited or approved by clinicians, nurses or health care professionals. They are a means of sharing patient knowledge, personal insights and experiences of living with kidney cancer in the hope it will improve the lives of others. The content of this website was made possible using the knowledge, experiences and kind donations from our community and our fundraisers.
Please get in touch with us if you are a patient or a carer, and you have an interest in a particular topic associated with kidney cancer that you would like to share.
Phone Number:
0800 121 8721Email Address; team@actionkidneycancer.orgSocial Media
/actionkidneycancer @actionkidneycancer @ACTION4KC