Our beautiful accommodation enables breaks away where the whole family can spend quality time making irreplaceable memories and recharging their batteries for what may lie ahead. We provide holiday facilities in stunning surroundings on the Isle of Bute and in Ayrshire. Our accommodation also includes flats in Glasgow close to cancer treatment centres which allow families from across the country to stay together in welcoming, home-from-home surroundings during extended periods of treatment.
We also offer weekly mindfulness sessions to support parents and family members. All of this is possible thanks to the incredible levels of support we continue to receive from so many individuals, groups and organisations who have taken Calum’s Cabin into their hearts, enabling us to make life a little bit easier for families in the most challenging of times.
Phone Number:
07544 979 538Email Address
enquiries@calumscabin.comSocial Media
/CalumsCabin @calumscabin @CalumsCabin