Glasgow Helps

Making services easier to find across Glasgow

Sometimes we all need some help to find and access the activities or services that will improve our lives.

Glasgow Helps is a partnership of the city's public and voluntary sectors, created to make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

This web directory is part of the Glasgow Helps work, aiming to help citizens, and the people who support them, find services more easily.

Need some extra support?

Are you browsing Glasgow Helps knowing that you need some support but not sure what or why? Sometimes it's hard to see the wood for the trees if you have a lot going on and you might need some help to figure it all out. Glasgow Helps also offer free support, information and advice on a wide range of issues. No matter how big or small, there are many services out there who can support you. Sometimes we just need a 'wee bit of help' to make the connections.

If you'd like support to do this, please get in touch with the Glasgow Helps Team on: 0141 276 1185

Lines are open between Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Translation and BSL services are available.

No mobile credit? No problem - you can request a call ball by completing an online referral form:

Click here to make a referral.

How to get connected with Glasgow Helps

Visit Website

Phone Number:

0141 276 1185

Email Address

Social Media