Formed in 2003, MASScot supports people who have been diagnosed with Melanoma and other skin cancers. We provide complementary support, counselling and therapy services for skin cancer patients and their families and carers. Melanoma is the fifth most common cancer amongst all age groups in Scotland. When it comes to those aged 15 to 34, it is the most common. As a result, since 2013 we have provided an educational resource in schools to warn young people of the dangers of over exposure to the sun. Find out more about that here.
MASScot supports people who have been diagnosed with Melanoma and other skin cancers. We provide complementary support, counselling and therapy services for skin cancer patients and their families and carers. We aim to give one to one support; we will listen and direct you to the most appropriate source of information to answer your questions.
We appreciate that not all the worries or confusion can be helped by clinicians. Often things like work, family or the ability to pay the mortgage are uppermost in our minds when we are given bad news. It can help to talk to someone in confidence, who has experienced melanoma first hand. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email.
Available 8am-11pm, outwith these times please leave a message or email to the address below and we will return your call/email as soon as possible
Phone Number:
07738231260 (Available 8am-11pm)Email Address; Media
/MASScotCharity @masscotland @massc0t