Mission Remission

For a Happy, Healthy, Independent Life After Cancer

The Mission Remission hub was built for cancer survivors – we share hundreds of inspirational stories and practical strategies to move forward after cancer.

Looking to get started? Take a peek at our strategy pages.

What do we do?

Mission Remission supports cancer survivors move forward after treatment to live happy, healthy, independent lives. Our mission is to improve the experience of cancer recovery for every person across the country. Mission Remission is a grassroot community-run charity. We help people by running an online platform, now with over 15k community members. We run support groups, online discussions, a book club, and an advocacy team. Our campaigns support people and the NHS. 2022 aims include:

  • Speeding up diagnosis so people live longer and face fewer long-term consequences
  • Improving the experience of those dealing with cancer & transforming services so they’re person-centred
  • Helping people improve personal relationships with their clinical teams
  • Building a holistic survivor package & finding a partner to pilot this


90% of people feel the time after cancer is just as traumatic as the diagnosis. You’re faced with the need to return to ‘normal’ life, when life no longer feels normal.

What Support is Available?

There's no national NHS service commissioned to address these issues. In fact, more widely, there’s sparse information on life after cancer. When life after cancer is mentioned, it's amongst advice on palliative care and prognosis rates. And it is just not appropriate to seek support about life after cancer from people who are still receiving treatment or who have terminal diagnoses.

So we wanted to do something about it.

Our vision is for everyone to live a happy, healthy, independent life after cancer and we plan to improve the experience of recovery for every cancer survivor in the UK.

How to get connected with Mission Remission

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