It's been set up by young people affected by cancer and it's for young people affected by cancer. The group for 18-30 year olds was the idea of Sophie Mulligan, who completed the MOVE programme in 2020.
You'll be welcomed into the group by Sophie or one of our other two admins, Liam and Millie, who have both been supported by MOVE Charity. The trio want it to be a safe and supportive place, where you can help and inspire each other to keep moving.
"I hope it gives people a place where they can ask for advice and stay motivated to keep active, regardless of whether they are on the MOVE programme or not," Sophie says.
"It's about having people who understand that small improvements mean so much to you, when you have been in the position that we've been in," says Millie.
"I went through six months of chemotherapy but I didn’t have the community or support when I was going through my treatment and when I finally did, it was inspirational," added Liam.
Join the MOVE as ONE Facebook group now.
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07841 456925Email Address
Info@movecharity.orgSocial Media
/1503691496480788 @moveagainstcancercharity @MOVEcharity