There is never a good time to have cancer, but we know that younger adults face different issues than their older or younger counterparts. Many of these are not dealt with by traditional cancer support charities and services.
Welcome to Shine. We’re sorry that you need us, but we’re glad you found us. We do lots of things that can support you, both in person and online. We run workshops, retreats and an annual conference, and also have support available 24/7 via our Facebook groups. We’re also proud of organising events and challenges for those of you who fancy a bit of fundraising. Take a look below or get in touch for more information.
Meet up socially with other young adults who “just get it”. We have groups around the UK.
Connect with others online through our private groups on Facebook.
Read the stories of other young adults with cancer. You’re not alone.
Our Break Out programme provides online support for young adults with cancer through expert support and small group discussions, weekly for seven weeks.
Our six week, small group online group discussion programme. Based around key experiences, like being newly diagnosed, or living with an incurable cancer.
Join one of our regular online clubs
Covering topics that are important to you.
Support for the partners, family and friends of young adults with cancer.
Find out about our workshops and resources for healthcare professionals that work with young adults diagnosed with cancer.
Phone Number:
07804 479413Email Address
hi@shinecancersupport.orgSocial Media
/ShineCancerSupport @shinecancersupport @ShineCancerSupp