Our 30-bedded unit for patients with advanced life-limiting conditions requiring assessment and management of complex symptoms and/or complex emotional, social and spiritual needs. In order to meet these needs, patients will require the input of the specialist multi-professional team.
Our 28-bedded unit dedicated to the continuing care of the older person requiring complex medical and nursing care. However, patients can only access admission to the Mary Aikenhead Centre via a referral from the Consultant Geriatrician at Gartnavel Hospital.
St Margaret of Scotland Hospice Community Palliative Care Service offers support and advice to patients and families (in their own homes) who are experiencing a progressive life-threatening illness. The areas covered by the service are G3, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G60, G61, G62, G81 and parts of G20.
The Community Palliative Care Services is a nurse-led service which complements the care given by the patient’s own doctor, district nurse and other healthcare professionals. The Community Palliative Care Nurses who work within the service are experienced registered general nurses with specialist knowledge and expertise in palliative care. The nurses have the support of Hospice medical staff and other members of the Hospice multi-professional team.
The Hospice has an active Pastoral Care Team which helps to meet the spiritual needs of patients and staff. A member of the Pastoral Care Team is always available to offer spiritual care, support and counselling of various kinds, whenever it may be required. As well as being available on an individual basis, the team assists with prayer and church services, bereavement services and the annual Light Up A Life event. The team work closely together, and with all staff members, to ensure the changing needs of the patients are met.
To access any of the Care services offered at the Hospice, a Referral Form must be completed and returned. An incomplete referral form may delay the admission process. A Hospice referral form can be Downloaded here. Completed forms can be faxed to the secure line 0141 951 4206.
Our Address: St Margaret of Scotland Hospice East Barns Street Clydebank G81 1EG TEL 0141 952 1141 Education Centre: TEL: 0141 435 7017
Phone Number:
0141 952 1141Email Address
office@smh.org.ukSocial Media