From tools to check how healthy your lifestyle is, to resources for health professionals, families and cancer survivors. Our health information is written by experts and easy to understand.
HEALTH CHECKS - We want you and your family to lead healthy, happy, cancer-free lives. Try our handy online tools to help you make healthier choices today
HEALTH GUIDES AND BOOKLETS - Browse our guides, booklets, posters, factsheets and cookbooks to find the right resources to help you live a healthier life and reduce your risk of cancer.
EAT MOVE LEARN - For children aged 7–11 years old, to learn and find activities about healthy living.
LIVING WITH CANCER - Helping you to cope with common side-effects of cancer and cancer treatment, advice on how to eat well during cancer, and your questions about cancer answered
RYAN RILEY - Ryan Riley is a food writer and founder of cancer cookery initiative Life Kitchen. He’s dedicated to creating delicious food for those living with cancer. > Get Ryan’s original recipe booklet
FLAVOUR & NUTRITION - Following the success of our Ryan Riley recipe booklet, Life Kitchen and World Cancer Research Fund have collaborated again to bring you our latest recipe book, Flavour & Nutrition.
The new recipe book features 15 brand-new, flavoursome and nutritious dishes to help people who are experiencing taste changes as a result of cancer enjoy food again.
Often during treatment for cancer, food can seem unappealing and many people lose their appetite altogether. There are also other nutritional and dietary complications that people with cancer can experience during treatment. This is why we created a recipe book that focuses on both nutrition and flavour.
We believe that food is a big part of recovery – emotionally and physically. By focusing on flavour, we hope these new recipes help to make mealtimes more enjoyable.
FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS - Resources to help doctors, nurses, dietitians and nutritionists support people in reducing their cancer risk
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