Top ten tips for travelling/flying with cancer

Written by Nicky Newman on 24th June, 2022

Nicky was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2018 after noticing a lump in her breast during IVF treatment.

1. Get your oncologist's go ahead first

2. Ask them for a fit to fly letter including an outline of your diagnosis and treatment

3. Check your airline to see if they need extra paperwork to be able to fly

4. Take emergency antibiotics with you

5. SUNCREAM! Some meds make our skin more sensitive to UV rays.

6. Cover yourself - get cancer insurance and take printed copies

7. Pack your meds in hand luggage in case your luggage gets lost and don't forget your thermometer.

8. Research healthcare where you're staying, local doctor/hospital

9. Ask your airline if they provide disability services, BA don't charge us to book seats, Virgin holds bulkhead seats back for us.

10. Most importantly, HAVE FUN! Try to switch off from cancer land and enjoy every moment!

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